We are a group of travelers on a journey of mission, service and learning from Christ the Redeemer Church in Massachusetts. We will travel to Romania, to Lupeni in the mountains of Transylvania, from August 7 to 21. There we will join the work of Dana and Brandi Bates and the New Horizon Foundation which run the Viata summer camps for Romanian teens. Viata camps invite Romanian teens for summer experiences where they use adventure learning to help Romanian youth develop and deepen the qualities of trust, community and faith in a challenging outdoor environment.
We are three adults--Fr. Tim, Peter and Allegra; two college students--Joe & Katie; four high school students--Ian, Jairen, Matthew, Amy.
Follow our blog as we travel. We will post writing and photos, and give you an idea of where we go and what we do. We will share stories and reflections, and when we return we invite you to talk to us about what we learned.